Mr & Mrs
Dovie (David) Gibber

A Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur involved in askanus, as well as a corporate executive and lawyer, Dovie Gibber exemplifies the working Ben Torah – dedicating his efforts to learning Torah and Klal Yisrael. He credits his commitment to learning, teaching Torah, and community service to the strong chinuch instilled by his Rebbeim and his and his wife’s families.

A native of Baltimore, Dovie learned at Ner Yisroel for high school, a yeshiva to which both sides of his family have long been connected. He is grateful to his rebbeim there for providing him with strong learning foundations and for encouraging him to continue his learning at Toras Moshe.

Dovie attended Toras Moshe from 1998 to 2001, crucial years that laid strong rooted foundations for his growth. In what he terms a “cocoon of growth and hasmadah,” he learned in the shiurim of Rabbi Shurkin, Rabbi Twersky ztz”l and the Rosh HaYeshiva. He feels fortunate to be able to highlight how each Rebbi influenced his learning and avodos Hashem – the geshmak of Torah he received from Rav Shurkin, the deliberateness in every word and action from Rav Twersky, and the clarity and striving for emes—both in a sugya and in life decisions—from the Rosh HaYeshiva. He remains guided by the Rosh HaYeshiva today and is grateful for the Mashgiach’s hadracha which continues to benefit him and his family.

Today, Dovie and his wife, Sara (nee Bulman), feel privileged to be part of Kehillas Kol Torah – a shul with many Toras Moshe alumni – and to have R’ Yosef Berger as a rav who guides them. Dovie is also a gabbai in the shul’s Adopt-a-Kollel program which has partnered for several years to support Toras Moshe’s kollel.

Mrs. Gibber’s paternal grandfather was R’ Nachman Bulman, world renowned for his dedication to kiruv rechokim and teaching Torah throughout America and Eretz Yisroel. Sara’s father is also a devoted member of his kehilla in the Toronto community who spends much of his spare time learning. Today, Mrs. Gibber devotes her time to raising their five children and is active in various community organizations, including Bikur Cholim, their children’s schools, and their shul.

Professionally, Dovie serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of Sinclair, Inc., overseeing the legal department as well as the distribution and network affiliate departments. In these roles, Dovie has taken the opportunity to advocate on behalf of Klal Yisroel. Despite a demanding career, he remains active as a board member in various community organizations. Most notably, with the support of his wife, he dedicates significant time each day to prepare for his 6:30 am Daf Yomi shiur and reviewing the Daf Yomi.

While Dovie credits the Rosh Yeshiva’s nephew, Rabbi Yissocher Dov Eichenstein, the Zidichover Rebbe of Baltimore, with not just asking but insisting he take on this role, being a Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur is actually in the Gibber blood. His father, who has completed the Daf Yomi cycle six times, gives a 5:30 a.m. shiur (“I give the late one,” Dovie jokes).

Dovie’s goal for his shiur is to enable bnei Torah to hold onto the geshmak of learning even years after yeshiva and integrating that in their family and work life.

It’s the strong life hashkafa he received from his years in Toras Moshe – a hashkafa that has shaped so much of his current life. That is why he is particularly proud that his oldest son, Nachman, is now learning in Toras Moshe, continuing the strong family connection to the yeshiva.