Sunday, February 16 2025, at the Newark Airport Marriott Hotel
Sunday, February 16 2025 at the Newark Airport Marriott Hotel
Join Us
Join Us
Join us for an unforgettable evening as we gather together,
celebrating and reinforcing our roots – the enduring seeds
implanted deep within us by Toras Moshe.
Fueling our present, and driving our future – it’s more than
just music and entertainment. It’s about reigniting our
essence and strength.
Come reconnect with the Rosh Yeshiva, your Rebbeim
and Friends as we continue moving forward and growing
stronger, each one on his personal route
Join us for an unforgettable evening as we gather together, celebrating and reinforcing our roots – the enduring seeds implanted deep within us by Toras Moshe.
Fueling our present, and driving our future – it’s more than just music and entertainment. It’s about reigniting our essence and strength.
Come reconnect with the Rosh HaYeshiva, your Rebbeim and Friends as we continue moving forward and growing stronger, each one on his personal route
Your presence matters!
Your presence matters!


Mr & Mrs
Dovie Gibber
A Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur involved in askanas, as well as a corporate executive and lawyer, Dovie Gibber exemplifies the working Ben Torah dedicating his efforts to learning Torah and Klal Yisrael. He credits his commitment to learning, teaching Torah, and community service to the strong chinuch instilled by his Rebbeim and his and his wife’s families.

R' Daniel &
Dr. Yael Danesh
How does a hardworking businessman manage to make Torah his main focus in life? R’ Daniel Danesh, a lawyer and commodities trader who devotes much of his time to learning and spreading Torah in his community, is an inspiring example of how to achieve this ultimate balance.
It is an accomplishment he attributes to the influence of his years in Toras Moshe, as well as to strong family support.

Rabbi & Mrs
Shmuel Weiner
As Rav of one of the most prominent Anglo kehillahs in Ramat Eshkol; Rosh Kollel and Maggid Shiur in two yeshivas and several kollelim; director of a kashrus organization; and go-to posek and counselor for Anglo couples throughout the country and across the world, it is no wonder that Rabbi Weiner has been described as one of the most influential people in the Anglo-Yerushalayim community.
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Co-Dinner Chairmen
Together with his wife, Tamar, he founded an Aish branch in Bristol, UK, where they built a thriving Jewish community.
Uri now serves Jewish nonprofits as a professional EOS Implementer, combining his rabbinic background with expertise in organizational development to help these mission-driven organizations thrive.
He is also an active member of the Passaic-Clifton community, contributing to various Klal-related activities.

Class of 2006
Class of 2006
Ner Michoel Alumni Tribute
Ner Michoel Alumni Tribute

Pre Dinner Shiurim
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Includes 2 Dinner Reservations
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Make a Reservation
We look forward to greeting you
at this year’s dinner!
Sunday, February 16, 2025 at the
Newark Airport Marriott Hotel.
We look forward to greeting you at this year’s dinner!
Sunday, February 16, 2025 at the Newark Airport Marriott Hotel.